Selasa, 29 Desember 2020

Active Listening

'Active listening' means, as its name suggests, actively listening. That is fully concentrating on what is being said rather than just passively ‘hearing’ the message of the speaker.

Active listening involves listening with all senses.  As well as giving full attention to the speaker, it is important that the ‘active listener’ is also ‘seen’ to be listening - otherwise the speaker may conclude that what they are talking about is uninteresting to the listener.

Interest can be conveyed to the speaker by using both verbal and non-verbal messages such as maintaining eye contact, nodding your head and smiling, agreeing by saying ‘Yes’ or simply ‘Mmm hmm’ to encourage them to continue.  By providing this 'feedback' the person speaking will usually feel more at ease and therefore communicate more easily, openly and honestly.

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High Noon (Storyboard)


  A storyboard is a graphic organizer that consists of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualising a motion pictureanimationmotion graphic or interactive media sequence.

High Noon is a 1952 American Western film produced by Stanley Kramer from a screenplay by Carl Foreman, directed by Fred Zinnemann, and starring Gary Cooper. The plot, which occurs in real time, centers on a town marshal whose sense of duty is tested when he must decide to either face a gang of killers alone, or leave town with his new wife.

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Bicara itu Ada Seninya

    Bicara itu Ada Seninya atau The Secret Habits To Master Your Art of Speaking merupakan buku karya Oh Su Hyang, seorang dosen dan pakar komunikasi asal Korea Selatan. Buku ini menjelaskan bagaimana cara meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara yang baik dan efektif sehingga tujuan komunikasipersuasi, dan negosiasi dapat tercapai. Buku ini pertama kali diterjemahkan pada awal tahun 2018 oleh Asti Ningsih dan diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Bhuana Ilmu Populer
    Buku ini masuk kategori buku dengan penjualan terbaik (bestseller). Pada ada akhir tahun 2019 buku ini mencapai cetakan kesembilan. Buku ini merupkan buku pengembangan diri tentang cara melakukan komunikasi efektif dengan memberikan contoh kasus yang terbagi ke dalam lima bab setebal 235 halaman. Sebagai seorang pakar komunikasi, Oh Su Hyang menggunakan banyak contoh dari pengalaman dirinya selama membantu masalah para kliennya dalam berkomunikasi. Penjelasan komunikasi efektif pada buku ini dimulai dari membangun logika berbicara yang baik.

Sebuah Seni untuk Bersikap Bodo Amat

Judul Buku : Sebuah Seni untuk Bersikap Bodo Amat (Judul Asli : The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck)
Penulis :
Mark Manson
Kategori : Self Improvement

Sebuah Seni Untuk Bersikap Bodo Amat : Pendekatan yang Waras Demi Menjalani Hidup Yang Baik menyajikan kisah-kisah inspiratif yang sangat cocok untuk pengembangan diri yang mewakili generasi saat ini. Mark Manson memberitahu kunci menjadi orang yang lebih kuat dengan mengajak pembaca untuk mengerti batasan-batasan diri dan menerimanya, baginya inilah sumber kekuatan yang paling nyata. Karya Mark Manson ini bisa memberikan inspirasi serta semangat hidup bagi pembacanya. Selain itu buku ini juga terdapat kalimat inspiratif yaitu di selingan kisah-kisah yang di tulis oleh Mark Manson.

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Jika Kita Tak Pernah Jadi Apa-Apa

Judul : Jika Kita Tak Pernah Jadi Apa-Apa
Penulis : Alvi Syahrim
Editor : Tesara Rafiantika
Desain : Agung Nurnugroho
Penerbit : Gagasmedia

Buku ini membahas banyak sekali,
Dari membahas tentang kekhawatiran masa depan, dimana realita kehidupan dimulai. Mulai dari lulus SMA, sibuk mempersiapkan diri untuk lanjut ke perguruan tinggi negeri favorit. Terjebak gap year. Lalu kehidupan masa kuliah. Tekanan orang tua dan standar kehidupan dari orang-orang pada umumnya. Masa pengangguran. Cari kerja. Mulai bekerja. Bosan dan lelah dengan problematika pekerjaan. Ingin resign. Ingin berwirausaha. Buku ini tidak terkesan menggurui, pemaparan tulisan mudah dipahami dan tentunya apa yang pernah kita alami ada dibuku ini. 

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Selasa, 22 Desember 2020

Approaches to the study of semantics

The study of semantics has developed from the earliest times to the modern period,giving it a historical view. That way, we can focus on four major approaches – traditional, behavioural, structural and generative perspectives.

A.    Traditional Semantics

Traditional semantics is associated with the works of such great philosophers as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle as well as many others who came after them. Their main focus was on the nature of human language itself. Based on their views of the nature of human language, these early philosophers were divided into two – the naturalists and the nurturists.

To the naturalists, language was God-given such that there was hardly anything anybody could do to understand language. Man was not expected to make alterations, but should concern himself with merely observing and describing the rules of language. The Greek language was perceived to be the chosen language upon which all other languages should be based. Later, Latin became the focus of philosophical analysis.

Selasa, 15 Desember 2020


         Another key strategy for learning and remembering the ideas in a text is to summarize what you have read. This means rewriting the important parts in a much shorter form, using some words from the text and some of your own words. Summarizing is especially useful for reviewing and memorizing information in textbooks for exams and preparing information or ideas from different sources so you can include them in a report or paper.


        Buckley (2004), in her popular writing text Fit to Print, defines summarizing as reducing text to one-third or one-quarter its original size, clearly articulating the author’s meaning, and retaining main ideas. Diane Hacker (2008), in A Canadian Writer’s Reference, explains that summarizing involves stating a work’s thesis and main ideas “simply, briefly, and accurately”.


The Importance of Motivation in Online Learning

Some people say that the hardest step in studying is to get started. But nowadays most of the student learning online away from their teacher and their friends. This makes student have to learn by their self, and that’s why they need motivation. We are social human beings, so it’s hard to get motivated when you are alone. We can get motivation from ourselves, the closest people, and of course in today's modern era, that is internet access. In online learning, motivation is needed as an effort to increase achievement in learning. There are several factors that can motivate students in learning, that is personal factors, internal factors, and external factors.

English Grammar. The Present, Past and Future Continuous tenses - online presentation

English Grammar. The Present, Past and Future Continuous tenses - online presentation